Upgrade Your Boating Class Website

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Boating is a fun and exciting sport and there are many people who want to learn where to begin or take their skills to the next level. Your boating class website should make it easy for them to find all the information they need on courses, prices, safety standards, and more. Here are a few things to consider when you’re ready to upgrade your boating class website and reach more students.


Showcase Your Classes

There are many different types of boating classes available and your clients are going to want to know why your company is the right one for them. Give ample information on the types of courses you teach, including which boats you instruct on, what kind of waters you’ll be out in, and the experience level for students in the course. Don’t forget to include additional information, like if the course involves any navigation instructing or expanded safety guidance.

Provide Safety Information

While experienced boaters have masterful control of their vehicles and are trained to handle tricky situations, there’s still a risk when going out boating. Prospective students will be put at ease if you explain your safety guidelines and requirements and show the extent of care and attention you pay to safety.

Introduce Your Team

Give your website and your company a more personal feel with bios or introductions for each team member. Not only will this make your company and its services seem more approachable, but you can show the experience and education your instructors have that really make them stand out from the rest.

Spotlight on Fun

Not only is boating an excellent life skill that can lead to careers and big adventures, but it’s also a lot of fun. Multimedia is an excellent way to show future students the kind of excitement they’ll get out of every class. Use photos and videos from your past lessons to really impress the beauty and joy of being out on a boat.

Open Communication

Your future students will probably have questions about your classes and their boating education. You can show them just how dedicated you are to their experience by replying to their comments and inquiries quickly and professionally. Make it easy to contact your team for questions about pricing, scheduling, skill levels, and more, and they’ll feel like you’re really ready to show up for them.

For professionals on building bold and successful websites and online marketing and social media, search right here at Ripplequest.com. And for those ready to head out to the open seas for the very first, you can start your search for boating classes right here today!